The spring equinox approaches. I sit down in my studio and pull out some scrap clay left over from my Echeveria ‘Purple Pearl’ collection. It’s a lovely shade — the shade that would result if dusty rose and shimmery lilac had a baby. To represent the equinox’s balance of light and dark, I streaked the rosy-lilac clay with both white and black. Each beautiful bead shows off these three colors in a unique hexagon pattern. They are topped with resin for a fabulous shine; the backs are solid rosy-lilac. Welcome to spring!
Equinox Necklace (19 inches) (SOLD)
Equinox Necklace View 2
Equinox Earrings I (SOLD)
Equinox Earrings II (SOLD)
Equinox Earrings III (SOLD)
Equinox Earrings IV - $26
Equinox Earrings V (SOLD)
Equinox Earrings VI (SOLD)
Equinox Earrings VII - $26
Equinox Earrings VIII - $26
Please contact me with questions or to purchase. All prices include sales tax.